Our Mission:

Empower adaptive athletes through training functional movements, fostering community, and building confidence.

How We Get There.

Modern-day gyms are not designed for these adaptive athletes and most trainers have no idea how to approach training an individual who is differently abled.     

Iron Adaptive bridges the gap between physical therapy discharge and adaptive life goals. We believe every individual – regardless of their ability or disability – can adapt, overcome and triumph with the right support and resources. Whether it is transferring out of a wheelchair or competing in a Spartan race, we believe nothing is unattainable.  Together, our community promotes every member to become stronger mentally and physically. 

Each training session is specifically tailored to meet the needs of the individual athlete through strength-based training, conditioning, mobility, and more.

Our training staff leverages the experience and skills of physical therapists, athletic trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, strongman competitors, CrossFit competitors, and - most importantly – people who believe that anything is possible.